Annual Fund
Thank you for considering giving to The Epiphany School Foundation’s Annual Fund. We are proud of our parents, friends and alumni who participate in The Annual Fund each year, and we hope to maintain and grow this wonderful tradition.
The Annual Fund provides funding for many programs and services, which benefit students and are not covered by tuition. This year, that amounts to over $2,000 per student. It is of great importance that we reach our Annual Fund goals so that the Foundation can continue to offer Epiphany children what they need to excel in the classroom.
All gifts to The Annual Fund are fully tax-deductible and are eligible to be matched by corporations. Gifts are often doubled or tripled with a Matching Gift. Please help us increase our support by inquiring if your employer has a Matching Gift Program.
By making a gift to Epiphany, you honor the legacy of our faculty and staff who have influenced our students to become leaders and reach their full potential.
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